Wednesday, September 28, 2005

this is the time and place.

Tomorrow is my last day at Smith & Hawken before I start my new job. So yes, the second interview went well. Quite well. I start on the 3rd of October. I am excited. A little scared, but excited nonetheless.

Philadelphia makes me smile. Today was one of those days that made me appreciate where I live. The places I go are the places that are forever burned into my memory...and the fun I have while I'm there is a feeling I'd hate to never have again. And it's amazing how your mode of transportation gives you different impressions of the same area. Riding your bike, walking, and driving down the same street is three different experiences. The whole city is that way. I guess any place is that way. All I know is that I like it.

I renewed my Free Library of Philadelphia card. That library is the neatest. I've always wanted to be a librarian. What's even better is that my official title at my new job is: Library Graphics Assistant. Neat, huh?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

great blog - vitamin and herbs **!**

October 22, 2005 at 12:06 AM  

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