Monday, August 15, 2005

all the while, she is still doing fine.

For awhile there, I myself, thought that I was dead. I've been working assloads of hours, and I really don't have much to show for it. I guess having your bills paid is something, but it's really nothing. I find it silly that we work just so we can live. There is absolutely no time to enjoy anything...well, there is but it's limited – a few hours here and there.

So, the new place on Wallace St. is great. I love it so much. On my days off I get to tinker around out on my patio, pulling weeds and planting seeds. It's nice out here. I'm in the city, but it feels like I'm out in the suburbs, because at night there's no annoying city sounds like the d-bags blaring their car systems, or the crotch-rocket gangs revving out to South St. This is the life.

At the beginning of September, I'm going to Louisiana to visit the parents. Billie and Patrick are coming also, so the whole family will be there. Since we're flying into Houston, and since Liz lives there, my dad made her by tickets for the game that weekend. We're all going to the Astros vs. Cardinals game on the 3rd. My mom hates baseball and she gets so bored at games. Oh well, I plan to down a few good too many beers with Billie and Pat, and my dad. It'll be good fun.

The library assistant position is still happening; not immediately, but it's happening. Nice, eh? My plan is this: work in the library, and then infiltrate the graphic design department since they only have two graphic designers.

Despite the fact that I barely make enough money to get by, I've been enjoying my life. Rusty and a few others have said that 23 was a bad age for them. I'm not them. My 23 is alright.


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