Thursday, July 21, 2005

morning of woe.

I keep waking up from my sleep with multiple mosquito bites on my body. This morning it was so bad that I woke up 2 hours before my alarm clock was scheduled to go off. Sometimes when I wake up too early, I get this terrible morning sickness feeling in my stomach. Even if I eat something, I still feel sick. I can't imagine what pregnant morning sickness feels like...well, I can imagine, I'm just saying I wouldn't want to feel that shitty every morning. And while we're on the subject – why do women get morning sickness when they're pregnant?...I never understood that concept.

Yeah, so mosquito bites. They were huge this morning. They were like whelts. I counted 14. It's terrible.

Sometime in the next ten days, I'll be moving in my new apartment. !!!. I'm soooo stoked. I honestly haven't started packing shit. I packed some clothes away, and that's about it. I hope to throw a buch of shit out. This busted ass couch...yeah, I'm leaving that on the curb. It was free. And it is busted.

I'm just killing time. I have to leave for work in about 30 minutes. It's going to be a long day...I can already tell. Honestly, I don't feel like helping customers today. I hope it's a slow day at the mall.

I also applied to for an Architectural Library Assistant job on Tuesday. Yesterday I got an email from the Librarian saying thanks for sending my resume to be considered, she's pre-screening applicants before she hands out interviews, and to call her at my earliest convenience. So I call yesterday and go figure, she's not in the office that day. The receptionist forwarded me to her voicemail and so I did that. At least she'll know that I tried to call at my earliest convenience.

O, I still feel sick. Sucks.


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