Saturday, June 04, 2005

estately affairs.

My neighbor still makes me uncomfortable. I still need blinds.

I might have to move...I'm not sure yet. I received an email from my landlord yesterday. He stated that we need to discuss some matters. If I can stay, great. If I have to leave, whatever. Hopefully, it's nothing terrible. We shall see.

So, I was dead set on going to see Stephen Malkmus & the Jicks perform tomorrow night at the TLA, but I was informed early this afternoon that the show was sold out. Talk about lame ass. I'm a bit salty about the fact that it sold out. Maybe next time he rolls around town I'll make it.

What else? Katherine and Allen are getting a puppy on Thursday. It'll be good for them. Raising a dog together will prep them for if/when they decide to have babies.

I left work two hours early, but I was stuck in traffic for over an hour. Traffic jams usually consist of me rocking out to something thrashy and chain smoking. Today, I didn't have any cigarettes. I just thrashed out and gave the finger or laid down my horn to whomever cut me off.

Yeah. Nothing much going on. No one is in the city this weekend, so it's another lame weekend with Ayn Rand. I hope there's more sex scenes in the book...apparently, Dagny Taggart likes filthy animal sex. That's never explicitly revealed, but there is that underlying tone. Loves it.


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