Friday, August 06, 2004

the world moves fast when you're standing still.

Wow, we just got back from the zoo not that long ago. It was fun in its own right. It was free...not paying for stuff is rad. I was a little disappointed in the animals: they were all bummed out looking, or sleeping. But then again, if the human race was wiping out my natural habitat and if I were living in captivity and had to entertain millions of kids like a circus freak, I'd look dead to the world too.
I noticed that I'm not so mean to children anymore...granted, I did have to knock a few bastards out of my way and say, "you little jerk" a few times, but other than that, I'm alot calmer toward them.
My day isn't over yet: going to Jersey with Katherine to drop her sister off, and then we're going with her family out to dinner to celebrate Alfred's birthday. Then we drive back, then I'm finally done stalling, and I'll park my car in the garage for the cheap weekend rate and then I'll sleep in my own bed at the Trin...mmm, sounds delicious.

I feel like I could being doing so much more with my life. I'm sure everyone feels this way, but for some odd reason, I don't feel bad about wasting my days and life away. In my eyes, I'm not wasting my life, but everyone, as well as my checking account keeps telling me that I'm a worthless bum. I say no. I say that I should do whatever keeps me happy. And right now, I'm happy...doing nothing. I've worked hard my entire life, and I've worked hard all through school...I graduated didn't I, isn't that enough? I could've given up. I could've continued getting high every morning and bumming out, but I didn't. So leave me alone...I'll get by. I always do.


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