Sunday, August 01, 2004

she's a jew.

Yeah, so I still don't have the internet at the Trin. And I realize now that I'm addicted to email...I go crazy if I don't check my email, man. Although, nobody loves me lately, so my inbox is pretty bogus, but still.
I need a job hardcore. Been looking for a part-timer, but I seriously dread it. It sucks that the graphic design biz is lacking postions. Oh well. I just applied to The Gap. Lame?...I know. I guess the only pros to working there would be a.) paycheck, and b.)employee discount for a preppy wardrobe...I could use some new shirts.
I need some cash. Getting a parking ticket every other day is killing my bank roll. I need a parking permit...I need a Pennsylvania license plate.

Felicia's outside waiting for me.


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