Saturday, December 11, 2004

a questionnaire thing that would normally be too emo for me to answer.

I got one of those livejournalesque questionnaires in my email, and normally I delete all things like that, but I decided this morning that I'd answer it and post it here. So here it is:

2004 in 25

1. What is something new you did in 2004? Opened a checking account, and started paying for my own car insurance.

2. How'd you spend last Christmas? With my family, sans Billie.

3. How'd you spend last New Year's? I was in Louisiana, and I believe I slept through the Eve, and in the morning I made this awesome pot of black eyed peas that was excellent by the time they were done for dinner.

4. What were some of your favorite days in 2004? The weekend of my college graduation. My mom, Billie and Pat, Liz, and Roxanne all showed up, and them plus Katherine and Felicia was good times.

5. What were your greatest achievements? Graduating. Getting paid.

6. What about your failures? What about them?...I guess it would be thinking that I, myself was a failure.

7. What was the best album you purchased in 2004? Based on most listened to, I'm going to have to say Nada Surf's newest one.

8. What was the worst/most disappointing album you purchased in 2004? One of those albums that I bought strickly based on the cover art...I know I should stop doing that, but sometimes when I'm in a record store and I go with the intent of buying a cd, I can't think of what I really want.

9. What's the most played song in your iTunes library? Anthems for a Seventeen Year Old Girl, from Broken Social Scene's You Forgot It in People.

10. What was your favorite article of clothing that you purchased? I dunno, some jeans?...and maybe some new blazers.

11. What kind of shoes did you rock in 2004? White, orange and green Converse 1984 Re-Issues; Red and white Vans that I've been rocking since 10th grade, Navy and orange Pumas; various girly shoes and heels.

12. What was the most expensive thing you bought this year? The Trin...I didn't buy it, but it's rent is hefty. And the new speakers for my computer. Oh, and car insurance.

13. Read any good books this year? Yeah, as a matter of fact I did: You Shall Know Our Velocity was the best fiction, and River Town: Two Years on Yangtze was the best non.

14. Favorite movies? Saved, Garden State, The Incredibles.

15. Favorite shows? I don't watch too much television. The Simpsons. South Park. The O.C.

16. How did you spend your birthday this year? Met one of the raddest guys on the face of this earth...and then heavily making out with him.

17. Remind me, how old are you? Twenty-two.

18. Did you get something nice for your birthday? Yeah, you could say that...but I think something 'stellar' would be a better term for it.

19. Did you meet any cool cats this year, and who, and are they still around? Yes. Tonie, and he's around the ways, via the internet, which sucks, but whatever at least he's around. And despite our differences, I'm still friends with Ryan.

20. Were you sexually active this year? ...dude, that's classified information.

21. Did you use protection, and did you orgasm? ...dude, seriously...

22. Do you miss anyone; who, and why? My family, because they're my family. Roxanne and Rusty, because they're two of my oldest friends. And some other randoms.

23. Did you fall in love this year? I don't really know what that feels like, so I wouldn't know. All I know is that I care a lot about those I've come to know. That was a lot of 'know.'

24. So, are you looking forward to 2005? Um, I guess this year could be my year...but then again, I say that every year.

25. One last question: what did you learn this year that you would pass on as advice? I think I learned something that I already knew: only you know what's right...and if you don't know, then make it up for yourself.


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