Sunday, October 24, 2004

rip them off like dirty band-aids.

I'm so angrily flushed in the face right now...I just wanna punch in faces. Ugh. I had a great day, but after a little over an hour trying to park my car just pissed me the fuck off. I hate people soooo much. Jackasses. Total jackasses. Ugh, I think I may be illegally parked, but fuck it, I'm tired, pissed and horned. I wanna thrash, and get thrashed.
Okay, I'm over it. Seriously. Or not. Arrrrrgh.
Yeah, so Katherine and I went to this corn "maize" in Warrington. It was fun. We found our way out of the maze, then we picked pumkins in their patch. I got a pumpkin. God knows what I'm going to do with a damn pumpkin, but I got one, and he's just chillin' in my chair like he's a house guest. "I shall call you 'Eduardo.'"- Mr. Weed. I may carve him, but I don't know yet. I'll definitely roast his seeds. Tasty.
Um, what else? Oh, we just kinda drove around the burbs and ran errands. Then we hung out and watched fussball. Then she and Alfred made dinner. Tasty. Then I left. And then I got angry. And this is where I last found myself.


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