Wednesday, October 13, 2004

a relative stranger.

Eh. I had this whole entry that I typed throughout the day, but since I'm tired because I had to wake up before noon, I managed to accidentally close the window. No need to try to rehash what I was bitching about. I'm sure it wasn't important.

So I had the iShip interview today. I thought it went well. They were pretty cool people, and one guy graduated from my college. So, hopefully, I'll get some good news next week when they make their decision.

Speaking of jobs, Billie just got hired yesterday, and Liz's dude just got a job offer last week, and I just got off the phone with Roxanne, and she just got offered a sweet job today. I'm really hoping I'll be next, cause fuck man, unemployment is totally killer.

Alison came over today after her class. We went to the diner. And since I'm on my period, I was craving starch, and the mashed potatoes were a good call. Boo, I want to go to the Eastern State Penitentiary shindig with Alison tomorrow nite, but I promised Katherine I'd go to Weight Watchers with her. It sucks being chubby. Actually, it doesn't, I'm learning to love myself.


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