Friday, August 27, 2004

pop rocks kill...part zwei.

...yeah, so I went back to sleep. But I got up around 10 to take care of my business.

More paperwork...still no PA tags.

So my original purpose for this was to remind myself of something that made me smile. This is it: I was driving home today and this garbage truck was blocking both lanes on N.Broad, so anyone wanting/needing to get by had to do this s-swerve around a parked car in the median and the garbage truck. What made me smile was the truck itself, because there were stuffed animals hanging all over it...animals that I'm sure were salvaged from the trash. And I don't know, seeing Big Bird, and a whole slew of characters just made me smile. It was like this display of the salvation of innocence. It just made me smile...and I wanted to remember that.


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