Monday, November 01, 2004

the nugeness.

It's funny how sometimes I can feel like such a has-been...I'm talking in terms of design. When I was in school, I knew I was good at whatever the fuck I was trying to accomplish. My problem was my modesty. Anything I did, it was just 'okay' to me. It takes alot of work for me to be proud of a piece, and even if I am convinced that I'm satisfied, I can always point out the most minute flaws; they laugh at me. All I need is one great idea. But when you need multiple great ideas, that's when the first great idea becomes the standard, and that's when the following ideas just seem like failures.
With that said, today I was working on creating these background spreads to be used in this press kit for some very lame artists, whom are making this comeback in 2005. So I do one spread, and it's totally rad, and it totally says what the whole project is trying to graphically speak. And then I realize that, oh that's one, now only seven more to go. And then it all goes downhill, because dude, the standard's been met, there's no fucking way they can get any better.
But that's just what goes on in my head. I could be wrong, the others might be good. I did throw in a tying element in the four that I did do today. I'm just all urbaned out, man. I'm ready to get back to some nerd rock.
Maybe tomorrow, I can set the standard higher...or not, I will be taking off early to cast my presidential vote. Yip, yip!

I found out yesterday that I have to start pay back my student loan on Nov. 8th. That just so happens to be Billie's birthday, too. Drag. I don't have the money to pay those fools back. Shit. "I'm broke, nigga, I'm broke!!" -Dave Chappelle. I hope my loan consolidation application gets processed in between now and then.


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