Saturday, January 22, 2005

tear thru space.

I went and got my haircut today before I went over to Katherine and Al's place. I dig it. It's all one length now, except for the swoopy bangs.
So Frank couldn't open his parlor because the town declared it a state of emergency due to the snow and business was to be shut down. So the tattoos are on hold until next weekend. I drove home in the blizzardy conditions, and all I have to say is: thank fucking jeeb I drive an Explorer. I was actually doing fishtails whenever I was on a road that had no other fun! I just wanted to plow through the snow at seventy miles per hour, but I kept it under forty.

So yeah, I'm snowed in. I don't have a snow shovel.

I always did like it when it first starts to snow. I like how the world just slows down, and all you hear is the snow. It's like being in a snow globe.


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