Sunday, September 05, 2004

time has lost its hold on the new frontier.

Earlier last week, I was suggesting to Billie to take a trip to Indonesia for her anniversary vacation. Later in the week, she was suggesting buying property in Bali. I now understand why it's a good investment.
I was thinking about how much I've spent last year on rent and utilities, and how much I will spend this year. That's going to pan out to be about 16000+ USD. That's just about how much I owe in student loans. That's just sick.
So, I got to thinking about Ben Wilson, and how he always told me how he hated the United States and it's policies, and how he leans toward communism...what do you expect from a political science major. And then I got to thinking about how he's been living in China for the past two years, living like a king. Then I was thinking about last year, and how I told him how I always wanted to make out with him in high school, and how he was flattered...yeah, I was just thinking about that; no point will be made.
Okay, so my real point is this: I really hate having all my money going toward a place to live, because really, in the end, what are you left with?...the answer to that is: not much. How are people supposed to happy with their lives if they're living like how I'm living? I wish I listened to Ben in highschool. He had it all worked out...he has it all worked out. He lives like a fucking king. He was supposed to come visit me in philly when he was coming for a short visit to the states. That was supposed to be last month. I haven't heard from him in forever...I hope he's not dead.


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