Sunday, September 12, 2004

receptionist: unhappy medium.

Wow. Yeah, I slept from 6pm until 10am. That's alot of sleepage.

I ended up finally hanging out with Eric this afternoon after having stood him up twice. He's an alright dude. He's not the type of guy that I'd bring back to my place on the first encounter though...unlike Hot Rod Tonie.

Felicia was really hounding me today about finding a job. It was like talking to my mother. I know she's just looking out for me, like my mother, but you know, it still makes me feel like a complete failure. I am trying to find something, believe it or not. But I also want to be happy. If I'm working someplace that sucks, chances are I'd quit or get fired for doing a lousy job.

I hate hearing my neighbor through the walls, or from out the window, when she's speaking baby talk to her puppy. It drives me nuts.


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