Sunday, July 04, 2004

leave the skeletons where they fell.

Happy independence day to me. Hardy har hargh. It's no fun without fireworks and a barbeque. And honestly, it's no fun when my only friends in the greater philadelphia area have gone off to do things with their dudes. I should've gone south for the summer: I could've had some tennessee fire and could've gone to a crawfish boil.
I'll end up spending the day reading, which isn't totally bad, just totally lame.
So yesterday, I went to Wissahickon park and took like a 4+ hour hike. I felt mentally bummy when I got there, but I needed some fresh air to clear the air. I just needed some sort of conclusion to go with the end. And although I don't really think that I've reached one, at least I have a better understanding of how it might be done.
Maybe I've been looking at it all the wrong way. Maybe it'll be better this way. If I am right, I won't end up totally pigeoned, and nothing will have to be revealed.


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